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STEEL-ROOT®   –   concreteless foundations

STEEL-ROOT® — concreteless foundations

The STEEL-ROOT® steel root foundation is a cost-efficient alternative to conventional concrete foundations. It offers high stability and is particularly superior where short construction times are required, as there are no annoying curing times as otherwise required for concrete foundations. The idea for the development of the construction method was derived from nature and resembles the root of a tree.

STEEL-ROOT® is characterised by a high degree of sustainability. It works without soil sealing, is 100% recyclable or reusable without any loss of quality. Being a filigree lightweight construction product, it does not produce significant amounts of excavated soil, which usually has to be removed from concrete foundations. It can be used and is used for the construction of power lines, wind power and photovoltaic plants, for radio mast systems, for steel halls, noise barriers and many other applications.

Learn more about STEEL-ROOT®:


completely without concrete

completely without concrete

with stability certificates

with stability certificates

multiple uses

multiple uses

no soil sealing

no soil sealing



fast installation

fast installation

mmediately loadable

immediately loadable

works even in less load-bearing soils

works even in less load-bearing soils

installation also at freezing temperatures

installation also at freezing temperatures

excellent eco-balance

excellent eco-balance

100% recyclable

100% recyclable

Do you have further questions?

Feel free to contact us, we're glad to help you find a solution.

P. +49 (0) 6627-915170
