Solar trackers, tracking photovoltaic systems, can also be safely installed on concrete-free STEEL-ROOT® foundations.
as foundations for solar trackers
Solar trackers, tracking photovoltaic systems, can also be safely installed on concrete-free STEEL-ROOT® foundations.
Below you can see an installation example of solar trackers with the help of STEEL-ROOT® foundations:
Installation of a solar tracking system. Each systems PV surface is about 70 m². Due to the systems height of approx. 10 meter large trucks can easily pass through. Customer:
Excavation of the construction pit. On-site storage of the excavated soil. Creation of the planum.
The STEEL-ROOT® foundation can be easily assembled outside the construction pit.
The fully assembled STEEL-ROOT® foundation is lifted into the construction pit and aligned afterwards. Then the old soil is backfilled and compacted layer by layer. Cable conduits are pulled in for later wiring.
Now the STEEL-ROOT® foundation is immediately loadable. The mast can therefore be connected to the STEEL-ROOT® foundation via the folding hinge.
Following this, the mast is raised with the help of the excavator. Alternatively the mast can be raised with a hydraulic system.
Installation of the foundation and the mast is done.
The next step is to start immediately with the installation of the PV system.
The installation of the solar tracking system is completely done.