Germany's largest developer of solar power plants plans to build a solar park in the moor near Büttel, that will produce electricity for 7,500 households.
At a glance
- Solarpark Büttel
- Location: Büttel (Germany)
- Type of foundations: drill foundations with barrel
- Amount of foundations: 20,000
- Solar park performance: approx. 35 megawatt
- Specalities: moorland and peaty soil
Project description
Only the drilled foundations specifically developed by SteelRoots GmbH to solve these problems made it possible to establish the Büttel project. With their drilling and jolting efforts having failed with the usual techniques, renowned companies had to give up. The specialists of the concreteless foundation of SteelRoots GmbH were far more successful.
They went to the North Sea with their exploratory equipment and tried out several types of their oversized "ground screws". They ended up by deciding in favour of their own construction which was three metres in length and could be screwed into the moor. "We're taking the ground into the boat." This is how the owner of the company, Peter Kellner, describes the success of the family business.
By and by, 20,000 drilled foundations were driven to the North Sea in 16 truckloads to establish the 40-hectare solar park.
Further special features:
- High horizontal loads or high wind suction due to coastal proximity
- buoyancy of the foundations due to the high groundwater level
- foundation with concrete is not possible, as concrete foundations sink into the ground due to their own weight